From Ripa dOrcia to Castiglione dOrcia

From Ripa d'Orcia go along the dirt road towards San Quirico until shortly you come to the small 18C church of San Pietro, after the church take the next turning on the right and head down to the River Orcia where you will find the remains of a travertine bridge that was destroyed when the river was in full flood in 1929. Ford the river and go up to Podere Molina from here there are two possible routes: either straight on for Rocca dOrcia Castiglione dOrcia, or a track to the left which heads through the woods of Scarceta following the banks of the Orcia to arrive at the farmhouse Podere Montemellaccio then up through pine woods to the farmhouse Podere Finochieti and on to Castiglione dOrcia Rocca dOrcia.

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